الخميس، 25 نوفمبر 2010

Free E-Book - Raising Kids on the Internet

The internet currently presents very interesting questions and challenges for parents.

If there Were an instruction manual on how to be a parent, the section on technology andinternet safety for kids Would be worthy of several chapters for certainement. Online activities add yet another dimension to the job of raising our children, as if worrying about them in the "real world" Were not Enough already.

The need for comprehensive information and advice on this subject can not be overstated.

This 34 Page Comprehensive guidebook, "Raising Kids On The Internet" is Presented to parents of all backgrounds or experience, Whether They are just getting familiar with the internet yourself, or They are a long-time web surfer. Even Experienced Internet users have been found to be unfamiliar with many of the facts and issues regarding effective monitoring or children in online activities.

All you have to do is to go here to get your free copy of "Raising Kids On The Internet".

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