الخميس، 25 نوفمبر 2010

For Wiglington and Wenks

Multi Award-winning Virtual World for Kids

The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual Worldis an exciting new massive online virtual world for kids where players can travel to places around the world, through time and space, meet famous historical people, play fun enriching games, make new friends own exotic islands, build culture-inspired houses, wear all kinds of cool clothing and costumes, explore secret locations, solve ancient mysteries and become a legendary traveler!

Probably the most massive virtual world for kids to date, The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks features more than 100 fun-filled educational real world and imaginary locations from the past, present and future.

Parents can look forward to a safe site for their children where they will be learning about history, geography, landmarks, famous people, inventions, the environment, animals and more.

And for the children, they can expect hours of fun-filled exploration.

About the Lens Master 

This Squidoo lens was written by Aldric Chang ( Follow Aldric on Twitter! ) - a creative businessman who is active in music composition and production, internet marketing, casual games production, animation production, cartoon production and character licensing.

His 3d animation studio - Mediafreaks - is focused on producing high-end animation work for documentary producers, advertising houses and cartoon animated series - with projects ranging from the animation of dinosaurs to the visualization of natural disasters and something as chic as 3d jewelry animations. He runs a popular animation blog where he frequently posts informative articles on the animation industry and shares useful advice on the business of animation.

To find out more about Aldric, visit his lensography at http://www.squidoo.com/aldricchang.


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The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual World 

Check out the awesome fun and amazing features awaiting you in the Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual World!
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Which is Your Favorite Virtual World for Kids?

The Characters of Wiglington and Wenks Part 1 

free online adventure gamesWIGLINGTON 

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Wiglington is the most recent descendent of Carto. As a young kid, he grew up listening to Carto's famous travel stories - and believing in them when others thought they were just myths.

Wiglington was determined to uncover the truth when others had failed to do so. He promised himself that when he was old enough, he would venture forth to recover Carto Wiglington's magic maps.

Fresh out of college and joined by his best friend - Wenks - he had a fervent desire to prove that the Carto Wiglington legend is no myth.

And thus Wiglington embarked on the greatest adventure of his life, eventually collecting all the magic maps and unlocking the secrets they held. But after doing so and returning home in glory, his real troubles began ...


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Wenks is Wiglington's best friend. They grew up together and they enjoy each other's company a great deal, often engaging in intellectual conversations and adventure sports like parachuting and scuba diving.

Wenks is attractive, intelligent and independent, a natural leader. This independence sometimes clashes with Wiglington's will and pride and they tend to end up bickering with each other.

Although they refuse to admit it, they know that there is great chemistry between them and sticking together gives them the best chance of overcoming even the most difficult obstacles.


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An Astronomer and Archaeologist, he travelled with Marco Polo in the 12 th century. Carto had a unique ability to create magic maps that kept track of geography, cultural evolution and climate changes over time. During the course of his voyages, he drew many fragments of magic maps; when joined together they form a complete map of the world.

Experimenting with his magic maps, Carto invented a gadget that could read the informationkept in them. This gadget, known as the Mapalyser, analyses data and history archives in such a way that it can foretell the future and study the past.

The Mapalyser also has a powerful feature which allows the bearer of the maps to travel through time portals into new, unique worlds.


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Sir Ordy Nance is a suave and charming ex-army officer in his mid 40s. Having experienced some of the toughest moments in the British Army and after receiving numerous awards for bravery, he was happy to land a relatively more peaceful job as Curator of the Maps Section of the British Museum.

A history and arts enthusiast, Sir Ordy spends his time researching and reading on his favorite topics - something his new job as a Curator allows him to do.

Sir Ordy is also particularly interested in pressing environmental issues. He knows that the world's climate is changing. This will bring tougher times for Mother Earth and her children unless something is done soon to curb or perhaps, even reverse the changes. He is anxious to find solutions that can modify earth's deteriorating condition before it is too late. During the course of his studies, he learns about Carto's adventures and his magic maps and greatly admires the legendary traveler. So it is by no coincidence that he takes a quick liking to Wiglington and Wenks, to the extent of helping them in their dangerous quest for the magic maps and accepting their invitation to help run Wiglington Town with them.


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FiloRat used to be the curator of the famous Louvre Museum of France before he became the Head of the Traveling Academy in Wiglington Town.

FlioRat is a gifted code breaker, skilled strategist, an innovative inventor-a genius in every way. His photographic memory enables him to remember practically everything he has seen and heard. He updates his knowledge by reading various books and surfing the internet. Apuzzle fanatic, he amuses himself by playing with mind-boggling games like Sudoku and Master Mind. But do note that these are by no means the usual Sudoku and Master Mind. They have been scrambled and modified by FiloRat to such an extent even the inventors of these games would be stumped!



Scuttle Butt is a search engine in both leeching and providing ways. He gets information from everywhere, spreading out like a spider's web. Even the rustling of leaves may lead him toinformation which others might miss. Ask him something and he will provide a useful list, with the most relevant references on top. Even before you finish your question, he senses what you need and makes suggestions. Talk about efficiency%u2026

Scuttle Butt works as an Assistant to FiloRat because it satisfies his undying thirst forinformation. Scuttle Butt is forever interested in information.

Are You a Quest Traveler? 

The Story

Meet Wiglington and Wenks, two brave water rats from England who traveled the world in search of a legacy left by Wiglington's great explorer ancestor - Carto Wiglington - a series of magic maps that can unlock the secrets of the past and the future and enable the bearer to travel through time and space.

Unfortunately, something of such power was not an easy secret to keep. The magic maps also captured the interests of bounty-hunters and fortune-seekers all over the world-amongst them the very greedy and diabolical Count Cannaregio.

But evil did not prevail. Wiglington and Wenks recovered Carto's lost magic maps and returned to their hometown in glory, which was later renamed 'Wiglington Town' to honour the Wiglington family.

A travelling academy was also established in Wiglington Town to help young travellers fulfill their dreams of exploring the world and uncovering clues about the past and the future, just as Wiglington and Wenks had once done.

All seemed well until Count Cannaregio, who had strangely vanished after losing the quest, reappeared and stole the magic maps from Wiglington Town.

Consumed by greed and the thrill of owning the magic maps, the Count immediately tried to use them.

But instead of being able to harness their powers successfully, Count Cannaregio accidentally created a time portal, transporting dozens of famous people from the past into the present.

After that, nothing more was heard of Count Cannaregio and what happened that night. Then suddenly Beethoven was reportedly sighted in downtown Singapore; Genghis Khan appeared in USA; and Albert Einstein turned up in Australia. There were even more reports of such ridiculous sightings. And the strangest thing of all was that they all seemed to have forgotten who they were.

Wiglington and Wenks knew immediately that their missing magic maps had something to do with this. They would, once again, need to embark on another quest for the lost magic maps and stop the Count before he had a chance to create more havoc. And they would need all the help they could find.

Thus Wiglington and Wenks sent out a worldwide appeal to young Quest Travelers throughout the world to help find the famous missing people of the past and recover their lost memories. It will be up to Wiglington and Wenks and the young Quest Travelers to set the world back to the way it was.

Now the question is - Are you a Quest Traveller?
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The Characters of Wiglington and Wenks Part 2 

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A.Nonni Mouse's family is closely related to Wiglington's. Nobody knows how and why. It is rumoured that, even before Carto Wiglington's time, A.Nonni's ancestors had already been designated as the sacred guardians of the Wiglington family. Exactly why is not clear. So secretive was A.Nonni Mouse's family that Carto never did realize that one of them was accompanying him on his travels. That is why they were never mentioned in his travel logs.

A.Nonni Mouse keeps a low profile. She is fast, nimble and stealthy. She reacts so fast to danger that she can deflect a flying dagger before it gets close to Wiglington. Often she helps Wiglington in very secretive ways, making him wonder if he had the luck of the Irish. Little does he know that he has a Guardian Angel helping him.



Believing his great-grandfather to be the nephew of Beethoven's pet crab, Cacophonous is a very talented musician. In fact, he is the most celebrated conductor in the history of Crabkind.

Cacophonous features in most high profile performances, having a natural talent for conducting music, although being ironically tone deaf he cannot appreciate the showpieces he conducts.

Cacophonous enjoys his job as he gains tremendous satisfaction through seeing crowds cheer for him. Sometimes he livens up the performance by using his signature robotic conducting strokes. A great showman and perhaps one of the most modern conductors, he infuses his classical performances with modern crab dancing. He calls it Crab Hop.



From a distance Walpole looks like a tropical island of blue berries. With his immense body and mastery of swimming, Walpole serves as a mainstream cross-ocean transportation of island dwellers.

Unfortunately, Walpole has a dreadful sense of direction and his tiny fins have to keep a firm grasp on the "ocean street directory" while he is sailing! If you travel with him be sure to warn him of obstructions ahead or he may miss them being so busy reading. Sometimes, his sense of direction is so bad that he ends up swimming to the other side of the world without realising it.

Occasionally, Walpole stops by the North Pole to change his ice-made spectacles. But he never lets up who makes them for him. His only answer is a mysterious , "ho - ho - ho!".



Count Cannaregio is one of the meanest people ever to walk the face of earth. He enjoys being called evil, scheming and diabolical (in that particular order), regarding these accolades as due 'honor and recognition'.

The Count is calculating and manipulative. He understands how different creatures think and uses this advantage to exploit them. He built his wealth through dubious business practices such as poaching, illegal logging, dynamite fishing, unlawful mining and quarrying. He has probably done more damage to Earth than anyone ever possibly had. But the Count is a very smart man and he manages to guise his illegal activities such that the authorities have never managed to find real evidence of his crimes.

The Count's greatest fear is that evidence of his crimes will one day come to light and people would come to realise the dreadful damage his shady operations are causing to the environment. Therefore when he learns about Carto's maps, he believes that the maps will not only unveil the secret locations of his illegal activities but also divulge his future diabolical plans.



Besides being Count Cannaregio's second in command, Warrior Wolf is in charge of an organization called The Huntergrunden, which was originally formed by the Count. Warrior Wolf leads the wolf pack, sharing many of the same traits as his master - mean, ruthless, scheming, diabolical.

He displays no feelings or emotions and always wears a tough, mercenary look. Nobody knows Warrior Wolf's history. He embraces solitude and likes to be left alone. But it is rumoured that he was brought up as a fighting young pup. His battle scars, displayed with pride, show what price he has had to pay to become the leader of his pack. Some say that Warrior Wolf is a victim of circumstances.

In Warrior's world, only the fittest survive. And he aims to be the fittest.



Fruba is a shrewd and cunning Fruit Bat who founded the Bat Pack Organization.

While fruit bats are often perceived as ugly, eerie creatures to be avoided, Fruba believes that, united, fruit bats will have enough power to change the world's image of them. Fruba is a military type leader with nothing but the interests of his community at heart. He will do whatever is necessary to keep the community strong and growing.

Once hired by Count Cannaregio to sabotage Wiglington and Wenks's search for Carto's Magic Maps, Fruba has turned over a new leaf and now resides happily and peacefully in Wiglington Town with Batty Barry and the other fruit bats.



Batty Barry is a young, gnome-like, clumsy Fruit Bat who stays with his uncle Fruba in Wiglington Town. He simply doesn't think things through before taking action. His impulsive decisions and innate clumsiness cause him - and the people around him - more hassle than he can handle. He usually gets forgiven for his nonsense because others see him as just a kid.


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"Some of the features players can experience in the game are building and designing culture-inspired houses, owning exotic islands, throwing parties, performing a range of cool actions, adopting unique pets, wearing clothes from different countries, meeting famous people from the past and present and visiting famous landmarks around the world." 

A Strong Story-line - The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks is one of the few virtual worlds with a rich story background. Children inside the virtual world will be immersed in a story-driven environment. So they are not simply logging in to play a game or just chat - they're participating in a story.

Immersive Learning - Immersive learning forms the backbone of The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual World. The virtual world features famous landmarks, historical people, inventions, culture, nature and wildlife. Vital knowledge is presented in creative ways that will attract and motivate kids to learn as they play.

Environment - From global warming to forest preservation to the protection of marine life and endangered animals, The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks helps children understand the environmental problems our planet is facing. It also introduces to them little and simple ways by which they can help nature's cause.

Cultures - Children will be experiencing different cultures and making friends with other kids from a rich variety of backgrounds from all over the world.

Safety - The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks sees protecting children from bad influences on the internet as of paramount importance. For this purpose, we have developed a set of proprietary safety features.

Getting Prepared for the Future - There is an urgent need for creativity among the young to help deal with the now truly pressing problems of the next fifty years - climate, over-population, globalization of communication and movement but still huge imbalance of wealth, ownership of worlds assets, fully artificial brains within ten years, robotics to compete with the human body within twenty years, exponential learning leading us to totally unknown places, dwindling relevance of the money system, etc.

We are not saying that The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks would equip children with all the creativity to deal with these problems, but it is a product built upon the belief that creativity amongst the young is the new survival kit and the creativity our virtual world allows will inch them a tiny step closer to that ideal.

It's fun! - From the start, The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks was designed to be fun. For parents, the points above are of incredible value. For children, they just want to have fun online - and that's what the virtual world will deliver.

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